Archangel Chamuel Publishing
Heike Lieselotte Schneider
The vision
Again and again, the messages of the angels point out that we should nourish the light and not the darkness. Easier said than done.
As long as bad news sells better than good news, it takes a lot of discipline to keep focusing on the positive in our lives. To make this task easier for us, God - in His infinite wisdom - has placed the angels at our side.
The purpose of this publishing house is to bring good news, as well as concrete advice on how to improve individual life situations, to the world. This publishing house was created mainly to pass on the angel energy of light or, if necessary, to reactivate it in us. Above all, however, is the highest energy of the universe: the Divine Energy of Love.
The Archangel-Chamuel-Publishing House is non-denominational. It should never be a matter of which religion is the only correct one, but of actively living the best of all religions.
"If God, Krishna, Allah, Wakan Tanka, the Divine Omnipotence, the Source of all Being, I Am, considered only one religion to be meaningful, He/She would have invented only one. All truths are half truths - except the truth of God, which is one."
Therefore, let everyone live according to his/her faith, hoping that it will unite us all in love.