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In front of me Raphael, behind me Gabriel, on my right Michael,
on my left Uriel (Auriel), above me Jophiel, below me Zadkiel,
in the middle Chamuel (Haniel). Protected and safe in the Divine BEING,
in the center of the six-pointed star, in the protective sphere shines
and shines the "I AM the I AM"


Aura cleaning - what is it?

An aura cleansing or energy transfer is done with me as a tool, but always through the spiritual world. The love that we receive from there is overwhelming. Energetic blockages in the auric arise by means of one's own beliefs, which have often been written unconsciously through imprints and conditioning in the course of a lifetime.

Many people discover that they are severely limiting their quality of life by fixed thought structures and do not know how to escape this negative spiral. The spiritual world is very interested in the positive development of humanity and this is where aura cleansing, energy transmission as well as hypnosis come into play. Especially the combination of aura cleansing and hypnosis is an effective and powerful instrument that can free people from unwanted limitations and open up new perspectives for them. With these methods, central blocking beliefs in the subconscious can be identified and dissolved in a relatively short time. 


The significant increase of psychosomatic illnesses leads many people to the desire for prophylactic methods to cope with stress and symptoms, because here the pressure of suffering increases more and more.

This increasing suffering pressure causes many to search for accompanying therapies to the common methods at the doctor or alternative practitioner.


In addition, more and more people are interested in a more intensive spiritual growth and therefore deal more often with questions of faith and thus with the spiritual world.

The increasing desire for personal responsibility leads to the questions: "What else can I do to become whole? What mental-spiritual blockages are causing my symptoms to worsen, and how can I counteract them?"

Hypnosis - how does it work?

Hypnosis is a powerful tool to correct beliefs in the subconscious and to anchor new ones if necessary. In the hypnotic state (trance) we are directly in our subconscious and can also work here. Things that are no longer present in our superconscious mind still have an effect in the subconscious mind and influence both our life and our decisions.

Trance [tras] (lat. transire hinübergehen, transcend) is a collective term for altered states of consciousness with an intense mental experience, which, in contrast to ordinary waking consciousness, are characterized by a highly focused concentration on a process, while at the same time very deep relaxation and with the logical-reflective mind turned off. (Source: Wikipedia)


Most people imagine hypnosis as the so-called show hypnosis, in which people are made to do something they do not want to do. This is a misconception. In a seriously conducted hypnosis we are in a trance, which can, however, be interrupted immediately if desired. The trance state is perceived as deeply relaxing, but without losing consciousness. In this state, the self-healing powers activate enormously.


The biggest obstacles in hypnosis are the desire to always and without exception remain in control or the hope to hand over the responsibility to the hypnotist. Hypnosis is teamwork, and if one is willing to engage in it, entrenched beliefs can be dissolved so that we can unfold our highest potential.

Yager code - where does it come from?

The Yager Code was developed by Dr. Edwin Yager in 1974. He was a professor of clinical psychiatry at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine, a psychologist with the UCSD Medical Group, ran his own practice in San Diego, California, and passed away in 2019 at the age of over 90.

It is based on the hypnotic technique without the need for a hypnotic trance. With this method, formative parts that cause or sustain a problem are reactivated from the subconscious and subsequently receive reconditioning without the need to emotionally relive the moments of their origin.


Truly, it is only possible to experience unconditional love,
when the mind is free from fears.
Where fear reigns, love is absent - but where love lives,
the existence of fear is impossible.

Archangel Chamuel

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