Practice for spiritual &
medial life coaching
Heike Lieselotte Schneider
Spiritual healing - what is it?
The significant increase of psychosomatic illnesses leads many people to the desire for prophylactic methods to cope with stress and symptoms, because here the pressure of suffering increases more and more. This increasing pressure of suffering causes many to search for accompanying therapies to the common methods at the doctor or alternative practitioner.
In addition, more and more people are interested in a more intensive spiritual growth and therefore deal more often with questions of faith and thus with the spiritual world.
Many people discover that they are severely limiting their quality of life through pessimism and do not know how to escape this negative spiral. The spiritual world is very interested in the positive development of humanity and this is where aura cleansing, energy transmissions, Yager Code and hypnosis, which I offer, take effect. With this, centrally blocking beliefs in the subconscious can be identified and dissolved in a relatively short time. Especially in combination with aura cleansing, hypnosis is an effective and powerful tool that can free you from unwanted limitations and open up new perspectives.
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